Half-Summer (Weeks 1-5 or Weeks 6-10)
ARRIVAL | Must be onsite by 7:15am
LIT PROGRAM | 7:15am to 4:30pm
PICK UP | 4:00pm to 4:30pm
We are building Leaders - this is an opportunity for your teen to gain leadership skills by filling out an application, managing responsibilities and being accountable for those responsibilities.
Teens are off their screens and getting back to the outdoors!
Parent’s freedom and peace of mind - knowing your teen is growing and having fun in a safe place with Christ-like mentors.
Teens will gain new knowledge and have a head start to building their resume(s) and becoming a future camp counselor or staff member at Camp Anothen.
Leaders-in-Training are still campers at heart and will get to experience all of the camp activities that Anothen has to offer.
Teens must fill out an application following registration completion.
Choose which weeks they attend! LITs may attend any week(s) of camp during their Half-Summer- Camp Week Availability Forms will be sent out in May.
On their committed weeks, Leaders-in-Training are asked to be at camp from 7:15am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.
LITs will need to bring their own lunch but will have the opportunity to buy items from the Snack Shack and receive a free snack on Fridays.
LITs must follow the same rules, guidelines, and standards that our counseling staff and campers follow. Camp Anothen reserves the right to dismiss an LIT for violations of our rules, guidelines, and standards or for any reason deemed adequate or necessary by our staff.
Contact us for more information about the LIT program.
Call: (817) 672-5285 from 8am-4pm Monday-Friday
Text: (817) 587-6219.
Email: info@anothen.org